Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Because I work in Child Care, the couple of weeks before just before Mother's day we work on making Mother's Day gifts for the children's Moms.  We tend to ask the children why they love their Moms and they usually come up with the usual answer; she makes supper, she does the laundry or she gives me hugs and kisses.  This one child stated it so simply, she born me and she loves me.

Isn't this why we love God because of what He did for us, that he gave us the opportunity to be a part of his family because of what He did because of His love for ME!

Books for Moms:

Fresh Elastic for Stretched Out Moms
by Barbara Johnson
Barbara shows how you can live with the heartaches and find the joy, even in the midst of pain. She shares how God's healing love, supportive friends, and a healthy dose of self-care are the emotional spatulas that scrape battered and bruised hearts off the ceiling to see another day. Barbara's stories, prayers, letters, jokes, and favorite Scriptures will bring you through the trials and restore your hope, laughter--and elasticity.
Your Girl by Vicki Courtney
This book addresses the times which our daughters live, the high calling of motherhood and the necessity to enter the battle to counteract the negative influences of the culture. Chapters will encourage mothers to rely on God's Word when passing down key godly attributes such as worth, modesty and purity.

Raising Kids for True Greatness
by Dr. Tim Kimmel
"If you aim your children at anything less than greatness, you'll set them up to miss the whole point of their lives," says author Tim Kimmel. In Raising Kids for True Greatness, Kimmel turns the definition of success on its head and guides you in preparing your child for a life that will easily eclipse the goals of those who are merely successful.
Learn how to prepare your kids for rich lives of true greatness by helping them find answers to life's three most crucial, life-changing questions regarding their mission, mate, and master.
For many churches, women's ministries, and women's Bible study groups, the missing element of discipleship is the interpersonal aspect. Titus 2:3-5 clarifies what mature spiritual relationships between generations of women should look like. Susan Hunt unveils how to put that model into action with stories of biblical and contemporary women who have responded to Gods call, as well as page after page of personal encouragement, practical insight, and ministry-tested how-tos.
I feel so luck because I have two Moms, my Mom and my Mother-in-law who have both taught me so much! One thing my Mom has taught me is to always keep learning and one thing my Mother-in-law has taught me is to have an open mind when someone seems to have wronged you.
Tell us something about your special Mom!
Moms, come to the library on Sunday and you may in for an extra treat!



Monday, April 11, 2016


Here they are:


The War Room

Tony and Elizabeth Jordan have it all—great jobs, a beautiful daughter, and their dream house. But appearances can be deceiving. Their world is actually crumbling under the strain of a failing marriage. While Tony basks in his professional success and flirts with temptation, Elizabeth resigns herself to increasing bitterness. But their lives take an unexpected turn when Elizabeth meets her newest client, Miss Clara, and is challenged to establish a “war room” and a battle plan of prayer for her family. As Elizabeth tries to fight for her family, Tony’s hidden struggles come to light. Tony must decide if he will make amends with his family and prove Miss Clara’s wisdom that victories don’t come by accident.

Alone Yet Not Alone.
A devout Christian family settles in the Pennsylvania colony and is caught up between the war of French and English. Following a raid on their encampment, their daughters are abducted and raised by Delware captors.

City On The Hill by Mark Hall & Matthew West
In this book kids will learn that God made each of them unique and wants us all to work together, using our different gifts to further His kingdom, to be the light of the world, a singing city on a hill. This is a song by Casting Crowns.  Here is the song and what is behind this song by Mark Hall.

A Prophetic Calendar:  The Feasts of Israel
by Jill Shannon

This powerful prophetic book shows you how the Feasts of Israel point to the Lord Jesus and the destiny He has prepared for all humankind.
Blue Moon Bay by Lisa Wingate
Heather's stay lengthens  at Moose lake, she discovers a family steeped in secrets and an unexpected connection to local banker Blaine.  Heather isn't sure if the family is crooks or crusaders. Somehow she must find out the truth before she loses everything.
These are just a few of the many new items in library.  Come check it out this Sunday!!

For I Love to Read Month, we read 85 books and Timothy Coleman won the candy basket.  Way to go everyone!


Monday, February 29, 2016


So Job terribly, scare-ably sick.
He wheezled and woozeled. He hacked and up-hicked.
"What good is your faith?  It's a joke. It's a lie.!
Give up!" Job's wife sputtered. Just CURSE GOD AND DIE!"
"Curse God and die?  Curse God and die?
I cannot. I will not!  But, why, oh, Lord WHY?"

This is from the book Why, Oh, Why? Oh Me, Oh My!  The Story of Job by Phil A. Smouse

Image result for why oh why oh me oh my the story of job

It seems we all have times of hardships and sometimes it seems they all seem to happen around the same time.  It has been a very hard year for me.  A year ago my Dad passed away, my health issues with my stomach have been worse than they have ever been this year, I have had to step in to support my Mom with extended family issues and just this pass week, an Uncle passed away exactly one year from the day my Dad passed away. I am not saying my life is like Job's life but some days it is hard to keep going but I still praise God for what He is doing and continues to do in my life.

Psalm 23 by Richard Jesse Watson
Image result for psalm 23 richard jesse watson
Sometimes children's books give me as much comfort as an adult's book and it can be read in a matter of minutes.  This is Psalm 23 but with the most vivid pictures of God comforting and taking care of us.  I love how the illustrator used children for all different lands, it shows God's love and care for the whole world.

Forgiveness by Gary Inrig

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Sometimes the hardships that happen to us are from other people that have inflicted pain on us, sometimes in terrible ways. God asks us to forgive others so that in this, we will glorify God and reveal His character to those around us. Gary Inrig says that forgiveness requires you to face people and situations you would rather ignore. His insights and wisdom will stretch your understanding of what forgiveness is.

The Thorn in the Flesh by R. T. Kendall
Image result for the thorn in the flesh r.t kendall
We all have a "thorn in our flesh" to deal with and that God has given us for our benefit. The hard times we deal with sometimes are given to us to manifest God's glory. In this book the author helps us to understand in different situations how God's grace is sufficient.

What Good is God? In Search of a Faith that Matters by Philip Yancey

Image result for what good is god
Philip Yancey takes us on a worldwide adventure through ten unforgettable stories in search of an answer.  From an underground church in China to a secret underworld of prostitution to a group of untouchables in India, Yancey discovers hope and redemption that will touch your heart, open your mind and reveal how faith really can make a difference, even when belief is sorely tested.

I love to read month is almost over.  I told you that I would do a draw if we got to 100 books.  Well, we haven't made it....yet!  I will do the draw once we have made it to 100!  As of the past Sunday, we have read.
Image result for 65
This means we only have 35 more books to read!

Since I didn't get any comments about your favourite book last week, how about if we try again.  Make a comment on the blog or on facebook, what is one of your favourite books and you will win a prize next Sunday.

I am rereading one of my favourite series right now, it is the Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers. 
Image result for voice in the wind by francine rivers

Monday, February 22, 2016


Jesus was a great story teller, he showed rather than just told stories. With his parables you have to think to really know what He is saying.  I always find that these are the best books that I read, the ones that show rather tell everything.

All the Parables of the Bible
by Herbert Lockyear

A comprehensive survey of the uses of parabolic illustration and instruction in the whole of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.From the Publisher

Of course, Jesus' own story is such a great story and Timothy Keller does a great job revealing the story of  Jesus, The King.

Jesus, The King: Understanding The Life and Death of The Son of God by Timothy Keller

Keller shows how the story of Jesus is at once cosmic, historical, and personal, calling each of us to look anew at our relationship with God. It is an unforgettable look at Jesus Christ, and one that will leave an indelible imprint on every reader.From the backccover.

Each of us has our own story to tell. Let us show not just tell our story. Donald Miller shows us how to edit our life into a great story in:

A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
by Donald Miller

Miller takes a rare opportunity to edit his life into a great story, to reinvent himself so nobody shrugs their shoulders when the credits roll. Through heart-wrenching honesty and hilarious self-inspection, Donald Miller takes readers through the life that emerges when it turns from boring reality into meaningful narrative. From

Here is a book about two people's stories that intertwined and made changes in people's lives.  This book is being made into movie to be released on April 29, 2016.

Same Kind of Different As Me
by Ron Hall and Denver Moore

This page turner is a true story of the unlikely friendship between Ron and Denver. Ron is a (very) wealthy Texas art dealer. Denver is a former modern day slave/homeless man. Their friendship forms the foundation of the story but it's much more than just "rich guy changes the life of a homeless guy". It's honest and raw. There is tragedy and misunderstandings. There is an authenticity to their story about race and faith, death and love, community and social justice.

How do you tell your story?  Why tell your story?  Each of us has a story to tell to let others know how God has changed and is continuing to change us.  Maybe your story will change someone else's life.

What's Your Passion? by Ken Gaub
Product Details
Proven tips for witnessing to anyone, anytime or anywhere.  Help to tell your story.

This is the book that started this post. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was so sad when I finished reading. I was thinking that I enjoyed it so much because Charles Martin is such a great storyteller and so many things were shown rather than told. It is a fiction that has so many great truths in it.

Water From My Heart
By Charles Martin

This is the story of Charlie Finn who is searching for a way for his heart to heal and has many adventures in this process; some with devastating consequences.  He finds love, betrayal, intrigue, heartache and even redemption. It does not have an overt gospel message but like the parables that Jesus wrote, it has many things to teach us in a very emotional way.

What book have your read recently that you thoroughly enjoyed because the author was such a great storyteller? Or just tell us your favourite book, fiction or nonfiction on the blog or on facebook before Sunday to win your prize.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Heaven is For Real

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. Revelation 22:13

Last week I posted books about becoming a Christian. This week, it is about the hope we have in the end. As I sat down to write this post I was listening to one of my favourite songs of encouragement about the end on youtube by Natalie Grant called The End.  You can listen to it here

Heaven, Your Real Home
by Joni Eareckson Tada

Joni Eareckson Tada paints a shining portrait of our heart's true home. Joni talks about what heaven will be like, what we'll do, and whom we'll see. She shows how heaven will be the satisfaction of all that our hearts cry for, something more real than anything this side of eternity. From the Publisher

Heaven Better by Far
by J. Oswald Sanders

Heaven: Better By Far is a rare digest of biblical insights into the timeless topic of heaven, and the finale of one who prepared himself for nearly a century for that day when he would experience how heaven is better by far. From the back cover

Heaven: My Father's House
by Anne Graham Lotz

Combining the apostle John's glorious description of Heaven from Revelation with heart-touching reflections on her own father's charming mountain home, Anne Graham Lotz weaves a tapestry of truth through this presentation that will take away your fear of death and fill you with hope for the future.From

Jonathon Edwards on Heaven and Hell
by Jonathon Edwards

We must reacquaint modern Christians with the eschatologically driven preaching and teaching of Edwards. This word “eschatological” may trip some readers up at first encounter, but it refers simply to “last things”, things of eternity and ultimate significance. We exhume Edwards' scripturally fired material on the reality of the afterlife, the terror of hell, the glories of heaven, and the shape life must take in light of these realities.

104 Questions Children Ask about Heaven and Angels with answers from the Bible
 Daryl J. Lucas-editor

104 Questions Children Ask about Heaven and Angels is full of fun cartoons, simple answers, related questions, and Bible verses that help parents guide children ages 4-8 toward a deeper awareness of Bible truths. 'From

A couple of people got a prize last week for writing down the book they are reading now in the comment section of the blog.  There were a couple of people that didn't get to comment because of how I had my comments set.  Sorry about that!  I have changed my settings so anyone can comment. 

I really like to read anywhere.  Actually I carry a book pretty well anywhere I go but my two favourite places to read are in bed and in my back yard in the summer.  What is your favourite place to read?  Make your comment here or on Facebook and you may have a prize on Sunday!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Basic Christianity

Are you a new Christian or just want to review some basic theology of Christianity?  Here are some books you may want to read or reread.

Basic Christianity by John Stott

Named a "book of the century" by Christianity Today.  John Stott's clear, classic book examines the historical facts on which Christianity stands. Here is a sound, sensible guide for all who seek an intellectually satisfying explanation of the Christian faith.

Know What You Believe by Paul E. Little

 The author presents ten bottom-line, non-negotiable truths of Christianity using humorous, anecdotal illustrations gathered from years of experience helping believers share their faith with not-yet Christians. Expanded and updated throughout by Paul's wife Marie, this contemporary edition is packed with illuminating answers to questions and misconceptions about the Christian faith, with study questions for each chapter.

Jonathon Edwards on True Christianity

What is a true Christian? What is the church? Though these are fundamental questions they often go unanswered in our current evangelical context. Far too many pastors and thinkers celebrate the trappings of faith and the mere benefits of Christianity, ignoring the biblical testimony on true conversion that shouts from countless texts from Scripture. We can find solace, instruction, and encouragement from the biblically saturated life and ministry of Jonathan Edwards.

What is Your Librarian Reading for "I Love to Read Month"?
Thief of Glory:  A Novel by
Sigmund Brouwer

One of my goals this year was to read at least one book from the church library each month.  I decided to read this book because it won a Christy Award for the Book of the Year for 2015.  It tells the story of a boy coming of age in a Japanese camp during the war and what this reveals about himself and humanity.  I have only just started this book, but I have enjoyed some of Sigmund Brouwers other books

Tell us what you are reading right now on this blog before February 14, 2016 and you might be in for an extra treat.